February 25, 2009

Spicing things up with Nick

Dont forget to enter your submission for the naming of the The Bayside Tiger Fanbase!

Now, let's get wet with Nick

1. We have figured out that you strategically play 2nd base because it is the the laziest position on the field. Prove us wrong.

I find it funny it took you 4 seasons to figure that out. It IS strategic – the bright red socks are a great distraction to the batter and the stench coming off the hat makes base runners woozy as they pass me.

(Author's commentary: FYI - The hat makes your teammates woozy too. You should work to be the spunkiest 2nd basemen in the league.)

2. You have been known to smoke a pack of fags before, during, and after the game. What is your favorite bar in Iowa City?

Not to get too off track but I think the correct term is "Pride" of fags.
(Note: Clean and sober since August!)

(Sober from what? You can quit the Virginia Slims but booze better be flowing through your veins when the season rolls around.)

3. What is your greatest BT moment?

I believe you mentioned this in a previous blog but I would have to say getting tossed from last year’s championship game. Obviously my movie star looks and fear-inducing physique intimidated the douche of an ump to throw me out of the game instead of a certain wall-like Tiger (who will remain nameless) who caused all the commotion.

(That ump was pretty douchey. I hope he reads this and tosses you from another game. Just another great story to add to the stack.)

4. Have you been told you look like Mork and the guy who wore the eye patch in Airwolf ?

Pretty much daily. Wait, how come Tracy gets Tom Cruise and the Hoff and I get these two morons?

(These questions are put together with hours of research. The word on the street says you're wild for Mork. The Airwolf guy is just awesome.)

5. Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at besides slow-pitch softball and life.


(Well played)

6. Someone once described your running technique as that of a baby giraffe, would you care to refute this statement?

That someone was me. However, a little known fact is that baby giraffes are considered the most graceful of African plain animals in the Serengeti region.

(Hmm apparently the Serengeti baby doesn’t translate well in Iowa.)

7. Which one of the current or former Tiger’s is your favorite?

Slammin’ Sammy, our former Right Center Fielder. Dude, was mellow to the core but would rip your still beating heart from your chest to get a win. Great to watch on the base paths. He and Global have the same philosophy – just keep running ‘cuz someone will drop the ball sooner or later.

(That brought a tear to my eye.)

8. When was the first time you realized you had reached stardom with the BT’s?

Probably the first practice when I saw what a bunch of baby no talent ass clowns I was teamed with. It’s hard NOT to be a star with this group.

(Lies! We've never had a practice when a "bunch" of players showed up.)

9. Would you rather wrestle Shute from Vision Quest or Andrew Clark from The Breakfast Club? Don’t forget Andrew’s father will not tolerate losers in his family.

You ask me one more question and I’m beating the s&#t out of you. If I lose my temper, you’re totaled, man.


10. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

Celebrating a Bayside Championship and getting wet with a beer in one hand and a t!$%y in the other.

(You just described a perfect day. You know, aside from the dead Nick thing.)

This video is dedicated in honor of Nick.

Live once, get wet, then die.

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