January 25, 2009

It's A Long Way To May

Ok suckers our first game is not slated to start until May 11th-ish. I know! I feel the same way, it breaks my heart too. Don't worry though, we'll get through this together. We've brewed up a fantastical idea to help pass the time and help everyone get to know your favorite softball team. We're gonna throw up a little Q & A to whet your appetite. We like to call it Getting Wet With...(Then we fill in the player's name, clever huh?)

This installment you will be Getting Wet With Brett. So without further ado let's turn this mother out.

1. This first question is in honor of Step Bothers. Barbara Walters, Oprah, your wife. You gotta have "familiar relations" with one, kill one, and marry one, go! (sorry folks, going PC on you)

Merry Oprah. That’s a rich witch. Familiarize myself with my wife, kill Barbara walters. That witch needed to die in the 70’s when people kared about what she said.

(Author's commentary: Chalk one up for Brett being a cold blooded dude)

2. Would you rather wrestle Rosie O' Donnell or a polar bear and why?

Rosie by far. She is smoking.

(I don't see it. A polar bear would just eat you. Rosie would whine & moan at you for hours, talk about her politics, say rude things about Trump...and then eat you. Rarrr!)

3. What is your greatest BT moment?

My rounding 1st base when global was on sekond and getting in a pickle and luckly having van save me and score from 3rd.

(Quite often Brett loses his mind while running the bases. He gets this glazed over look in his eyes and we all know it's down-hill from there. He looks like Jeffery Dahmer before a night on the town.)

4. Have you been told, you look like Corky from Life Goes On?

Never been told that. some say Elton john or peyton manning.

(Well this is somewhat disheartening because I know I've personally called him Corky while he's at the plate or fielding his position or running the bases or walking to the field from his car. Listen up Brett completely inappropriate comments are going to waste falling on your deaf ears.)

5. Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at besides slow-pitch softball and life.

Speling and 100 yard dash. Corky would kill me.

(In spelling? Really? Yeah probably)

6. Have you ever killed anyone? Want to? Who?

Nope. If I would it would probably be some terorists that I would tie to a pole and light on fire.

(Too bad Guantanamo Bay is closing its doors, you would fit in there! Brett you remind us of Toby Keith with your unabashed love of America and your willingness to stick a boot in an ass.)

7. Which one of the current or former Tiger’s is your favorite?

Gotta be dad. The man has a sick glove. I got a great seat behind home plate to watch that guy snag some rocket line drives.

(I'm sure the feeling is mutual)

8. When was the first time you realized you had reached stardom with the BT’s?

Hitting one of the only bombs at the new Coralville fields. It was deep!!

(We are pretty sure that this dazzling aerial display was not steroid induced.)

9. What is your favorite musical?

Lion king

(This is an obvious trick question and you failed. There is no correct answer to this one unless you're a woman or Clay Aiken. To be honest even Clay thinks you're a little fem bot.)

10. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

In my sleep

(Consider it done)

At the end of each post we will include a sweet video. This beauty reminds us of Brett.

Go out there and F.S.U.
The Bayside Tigers
Live once, get wet, then die

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